For  Teachers

LTT1 – Learning, Teaching and Training. Finland

Activities, reflections and materials for SDG’s teaching.

19 November 2020, Training day 1

Erkka Laininen, OKKA Foundation: Transformative learning and Indicators for a sustainable future

3 December 2020, Training day 2

Hanna Hjerppe, Taksvärkki: Engaging youth for active global citizenship

4 December 2020, Training day 3

Sami Tornikoski, Avarana: Agenda 2030 – What is the purpose of our work?

4 December 2020, Training day 3

Erkka Laininen, OKKA Foundation: Eco-Social Education and Ethical Compass

4 December 2020, Training day 3

Bitte Åström, Bromangymnasiet: Spiral of Inquiry

Thank you to participants